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Parature help center portal redesign

Creation of 3 help center website templates using Microsoft Parature tool.
Those 3 templates were fully designed using javascript and CSS as Parature only allow to modify the page layout using javascript.

Agora Bar & Club


Japan Business Systems, Inc. (Industry: Information Technology)




UX/UI Designer, Front-End Developer


Adobe Photoshop, CSS, Javascript

Before redesign

Users were lost by the lack of information architecture

After redesign

The following template was designed to be implemented inside a sharepoint webpart.
The colors and navigation for the templates had to fit sharepoint environement as not to disturb the users.

The following template had to be designed to be easily implemented in a sharepoint website. 

The following template was created for a B2C purpose.

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I'm currently available and always up for new challenges where I can collaborate with people and companies to get their product ideas rolling.

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